Better than refrigerator list? Antidotes for Crazy Busy Gemmelsmerch

Have you found one or two ways to cope better with your Crazy Busy life?  If so, you should have an extra couple minutes to add a comment to this posting below! 
[If you can, join us online Oct 22 2pm Eastern - click for more info, free registration.]
We're looking for very specific steps that REALLY work for YOU and that might work for some of your colleagues or friends. Something many of us could do within the next week.

For some people, posting a new list of goals on the refrigerator really works.  But for others - like me - posting the list is yet another way of fooling ourselves into believing we've solved the problem before we take the first real step! The newest list soon gets lost among the others.
So, in a comment below, please describe one or two of your favorites that REALLY work for you. Something beyond a refrigerator list.  Something you've gotten from Hallowell's book CrazyBusy: overstretched, overbooked, and about to snap! : strategies for handling your fast-paced life or brief interview of Hallowell about Crazy Busy, elsewhere.   
For a good prompt, see "Identify and control the sources of gemmelsmerch in your environment.  Gemmelsmerch, the force that distracts a person from what he or she wants or ought to be doing, is as pervasive and powerful as gravity."  This is Item #6,  which includes over 20 suggestions, in Hallowell's Chapter 28  "Ten Key Principles to Managing Modern Life."  
Here's another example excerpted from Hallowell's blog "Tips for the Crazy Busy":

excerpt copied Oct 21, 2010:
 "...put...  computer on a table behind her.  Now, in order to do email, she has to swivel around in her chair.  This means that she much [sic] make a conscious decision to do so, instead of just mindlessly clicking on her email."


You don't have time for this! Or anything else! ...but...

As long as you're here, please add your own examples of how the "overload" is affecting your life. ... and which kinds of overload?
Please add your comments to this posting or the next ones below. If you're in a hurry or don't want to create a Blogger account, you can leave your comment as "anonymous" -- and insert your name, email or whatever within your comment.. or not! To add your comment, click on the word "comments" which appears in small font just below each posting/entry and below each comment.
-Message Overload (How many kinds of messages do you check daily? hourly?)
-Information Overload
-Options Overload (Too many attractive, viable choices!)
-Expectations Overload (Gilbert's Law: "Expectations grow faster than resources.")
-"I can't keep up with my _______" Overload (You fill in the blank)
...More.... ????


An Indicator that Overload is an issue - from Wikipedia

Overload may refer to: